آموزش استفاده از Inkscape / Lynda Inkscape Essential Training

Lynda Inkscape Essential Training
آموزش استفاده از Inkscape

  • کاربرد : آموزش استفاده از Inkscape
  • نوع فایل : فیلم آموزشی
  • زبان : انگلیسی
  • سیستم عامل : Windows-Mac-Linux-Android-iOS
  • تولید کننده : Lynda
  • سال تولید : 2015


نرم افزار Inkscape یکی از برنامه های بسیار قدرتمند برای رسم و ادیت گرافیک های وکتوری است ، با مشاهده این کورس آموزشی استفاده از این برنامه را بخوبی و از طریق مثالهای کاربردی و گام به گام خواهید آموخت.


Create great vector graphics with Inkscape, the open-source illustration software. In this Inkscape tutorial, Mike Rankin, a design professional for over 20 years, covers everything from installing the software to outputting files for print and the web. Follow along to learn how to work with vector paths; draw shapes; add colors, patterns, and gradients to drawings; transform objects by scaling, rotating, and shearing; and creating special effects with Inkscape's nondestructive filters. Members don't need any prior experience with Illustrator or other drawing apps to get the most out of this course. Just download Inkscape and start following along.
Topics include:
Downloading and installing Inkscape
Creating new documents
Importing AI and EPS files in Inkscape
Working with input devices like tablets
Drawing basic shapes
Scaling and rotating objects
Adding fills and strokes
Using Inkscape extensions

بخش های فایل

این فایل شامل 84 بخش می باشد که بخش های آن به صورت جداگانه در زیر آمده است.
Row Title Format Size Play Download
00 - فیلم های آموزشی
1 001 Welcome 6.18 MB DOWNLOAD
2 002 Using the exercise files 1.27 MB DOWNLOAD
3 003 What is Inkscape_ 5.72 MB DOWNLOAD
4 004 What is scalable vector graphics_ 7.93 MB DOWNLOAD
5 005 Downloading the software 4.38 MB DOWNLOAD
6 006 Installing Inkscape on Windows 2.38 MB DOWNLOAD
7 007 Installing Inkscape on Mac 11.35 MB DOWNLOAD
8 008 Touring the Inkscape interface 8.36 MB DOWNLOAD
9 009 Exploring the Inkscape toolbox 4.76 MB DOWNLOAD
10 010 Creating new documents 4.88 MB DOWNLOAD
11 011 Importing documents from Adobe Illustrator 12.95 MB DOWNLOAD
12 012 Importing EPS files in Windows 8.04 MB DOWNLOAD
13 013 Importing EPS files in Mac 5.04 MB DOWNLOAD
14 014 Editing document properties 7.31 MB DOWNLOAD
15 015 Editing global Inkscape preferences 11.09 MB DOWNLOAD
16 016 Panning and zooming 11.45 MB DOWNLOAD
17 017 Working with Inkscape dialogs 7.05 MB DOWNLOAD
18 018 Using guides 9.53 MB DOWNLOAD
19 019 Using grids 10.11 MB DOWNLOAD
20 020 Working with Snap controls 13.76 MB DOWNLOAD
21 021 Understanding display modes 8.25 MB DOWNLOAD
22 022 Selecting input devices 3.93 MB DOWNLOAD
23 023 Working with layers 13.83 MB DOWNLOAD
24 024 Drawing with the Pen tool 24.16 MB DOWNLOAD
25 025 Editing paths with the Node tool 25.28 MB DOWNLOAD
26 026 Drawing with the Pencil tool 6.49 MB DOWNLOAD
27 027 Understanding shapes and paths 10.12 MB DOWNLOAD
28 028 Creating spirals 5.87 MB DOWNLOAD
29 029 Creating rectangles 9.83 MB DOWNLOAD
30 030 Creating ellipses 5.86 MB DOWNLOAD
31 031 Creating stars and polygons 5.03 MB DOWNLOAD
32 032 Drawing with the Calligraphy tool 12.64 MB DOWNLOAD
33 033 Creating diagram connectors 9.42 MB DOWNLOAD
34 034 Erasing paths 3.81 MB DOWNLOAD
35 035 Selecting objects 12.91 MB DOWNLOAD
36 036 Grouping objects 8.63 MB DOWNLOAD
37 037 Moving objects 6.26 MB DOWNLOAD
38 038 Controlling the stacking order 8.05 MB DOWNLOAD
39 039 Scaling objects 10.62 MB DOWNLOAD
40 040 Rotating objects 6.20 MB DOWNLOAD
41 041 Skewing objects 8.45 MB DOWNLOAD
42 042 Using the Tweak tool 11.63 MB DOWNLOAD
43 043 Hiding and showing objects 9.10 MB DOWNLOAD
44 044 Aligning, distributing, and arranging objects 15.77 MB DOWNLOAD
45 045 Working with object clones 12.22 MB DOWNLOAD
46 046 Using clipping paths and masks 10.69 MB DOWNLOAD
47 047 Using the XML Editor 11.99 MB DOWNLOAD
48 048 Adding fills to your objects 7.75 MB DOWNLOAD
49 049 Understanding fill rules 6.10 MB DOWNLOAD
50 050 Adding strokes to your objects 8.67 MB DOWNLOAD
51 051 Creating and applying gradients 17.05 MB DOWNLOAD
52 052 Working with patterns 7.92 MB DOWNLOAD
53 053 Working with swatches 7.58 MB DOWNLOAD
54 054 Working with stroke styles 13.36 MB DOWNLOAD
55 055 Using the Dropper tool to sample and apply colors 6.12 MB DOWNLOAD
56 056 Creating blurs 6.17 MB DOWNLOAD
57 057 Using the Filter Editor 18.95 MB DOWNLOAD
58 058 Creating bevels 13.32 MB DOWNLOAD
59 059 Adjusting color with filters 6.31 MB DOWNLOAD
60 060 Distorting objects 6.35 MB DOWNLOAD
61 061 Simulating materials 4.84 MB DOWNLOAD
62 062 Creating drop shadows 8.10 MB DOWNLOAD
63 063 Creating textures 4.27 MB DOWNLOAD
64 064 Adjusting color with extensions 10.62 MB DOWNLOAD
65 065 Embedding and extracting images 11.91 MB DOWNLOAD
66 066 Modifying paths 15.21 MB DOWNLOAD
67 067 Creating effects with raster extensions 8.39 MB DOWNLOAD
68 068 Rendering objects 7.59 MB DOWNLOAD
69 069 Using path commands 12.31 MB DOWNLOAD
70 070 Using the 3D Box tool 10.22 MB DOWNLOAD
71 071 Using the Spray tool 13.68 MB DOWNLOAD
72 072 Tracing bitmap images 18.21 MB DOWNLOAD
73 073 Applying path effects 8.27 MB DOWNLOAD
74 074 Adding text 15.55 MB DOWNLOAD
75 075 Editing text 24.02 MB DOWNLOAD
76 076 Inserting special characters 7.96 MB DOWNLOAD
77 077 Placing text on a path 7.61 MB DOWNLOAD
78 078 Converting text into paths 8.21 MB DOWNLOAD
79 079 Using Clean Up Document 8.20 MB DOWNLOAD
80 080 Printing Inkscape documents 3.19 MB DOWNLOAD
81 081 Saving files for print 15.86 MB DOWNLOAD
82 082 Saving files for the web 9.62 MB DOWNLOAD
83 083 Next steps 3.51 MB DOWNLOAD
01 - فایل های تمرینی
84 Exercise Files 22.03 MB DOWNLOAD
شما می توانید مجموعه کامل بخش های این فابل را نیز به صورت مجموعه کامل دریافت نمایید.
اگر شما نسبت به این اثر یا عنوان محق هستید، لطفا از طریق "بخش تماس با ما" با ما تماس بگیرید و برای اطلاعات بیشتر، صفحه قوانین و مقررات را مطالعه نمایید.

دیدگاه کاربران

لطفا در این قسمت فقط نظر شخصی در مورد این عنوان را وارد نمایید و در صورتیکه مشکلی با دانلود یا استفاده از این فایل دارید در صفحه کاربری تیکت ثبت کنید.
