Emergency radiology : case studies

Emergency radiology : case studies

  • نوع فایل : کتاب
  • زبان : انگلیسی
  • مؤلف : David T Schwartz
  • ناشر : New York : McGraw-Hill Medical,
  • چاپ و سال / کشور: 2008
  • شابک / ISBN : 9780071593090


A ABCS (adequacy and alignment, bones, cartilage, soft tissue changes) lateral cervical spine radiograph, 364, 365t, 375t, 406 skeletal radiography, 230, 231t wrist radiographs, 250, 250f Abdominal CT acute cholecystitis, 216, 217f adynamic ileus, 183–184 in aortic dissection, 106, 111 in cecal volvulus, 173, 177, 178f emphysematous cholecystitis, 215f enteric contrast, 144 free intraperitoneal air, 192, 193f in gallstone ileus, 221f interpretation, 144–145 intravenous contrast, 144 intussusception (adult), 203 in LBO, 173 normal anatomy, 145f in SBO, 150 in sigmoid volvulus, 170f, 175, 176f technique, 144 Abdominal imaging adynamic ileus, 183–184 cecal volvulus, 77–179 distal LBO, 180–182 emphysematous cholecystitis, 213, 214 free intraperitoneal air, 190–200 gallstone ileus, 220–222 imaging modality and suspected diagnoBasal ganglia, 438, 439f internal capsule, 438 disappearing basal ganglia sign, 503, 505f Basilar cisterns, anatomy, 436, 437f compressed, 492, 492f, 507f in SAH, 462–468, Basilar skull fracture, 449–455 clinical diagnosis, 453 contrecoup injury, 450 delayed intracranial hemorrhage, 454 pneumocephalus, 451, 452, 455 secondary cerebral injury, 450, 545 slit-like ventricles, 450 and SDH, 450 temporal bone fracture, 453 traumatic SAH, 451Bat wing pulmonary edema, 68, 69f Beatles and CT, 448 Beck’s triad (tamponade), 72 Benign intracranial hypertension (pseudotumor cerebri), see Idiopathic intracranial hypertension. Bent finger sign (small bowel), 140, 142f, 154f Bilirubin metabolism, 224, 225f Bimalleolar fracture (ankle), 300 Bladder injuries extraperitoneal rupture, 346f, 347 intraperitoneal rupture, 347f, 347 retrograde cystography, 347 retrograde urethrogram, 347 Blow-out fracture, 529f, 530–532 Caldwell view, 531f, 531 CT, 532f defined, 530 management, 532 orbital floor, 530f radiographic signs, 530t Waters view, 531f, 531 Boerhaave’s syndrome, 87, 90f Bow tie sign, 406–412, 408f in unilateral facet dislocation, 405–410 in rotated positioning, 406, 410f in lateral mass fractures, 411–412f Bowel gas, 140t, 140 radiographic features, 140 reverberal artifact, 213 Bowel gas patterns, 141t, 141–144 adynamic ileus, 141, 142f large bowel obstruction, 143f, 144 non-specific, 141, 142f normal, 141, 142f small bowel obstruction, 140t, 141–144 Bowel ischemia (in SBO), 148 clinical signs, 149 CT detection, 149 CT signs, 161, 162t spectrum, 149 Bowel obstruction, see Large bowel obstruction (LBO) and Small bowel obstruction (SBO) Bowel perforation, 188–200. See also Free intraperitoneal air Brain anatomy, 436–437 basilar cisterns, 436, 437f cerebral venous sinuses, 473f CSF circulation, 436 lateral view, 437f midbrain, 436, 437f skull base, 453f ventricles, 436, 437f Bronchopneumonia. See also Pneumonia causes of treatment failure, 21 pathological patterns, 16t reactivation tuberculosis, 21f, 21 Bronchovascular interstitial connective tissue, 64 Butterfly fracture (pelvis), 344f, 344 Butterfly pattern of airspace pulmonary edema, 68, 69f C Calcification in abdominal radiographic interpretation, 141 costal cartilage, 30 Caldwell view (face), 524, 524f, 525f, 526t blow-out fracture, 531f, 531 Canadian Cervical Spine Rule (CCR), 360f, 360–361 mechanism of injury, 360 signs, 360 Cardiac chambers, 3 Cardiac enlargement, 3 Cardiomegaly, 3, 8 with rheumatic heart disease, 6f without increased cardiothoracic ratio, 6f Cardiothoracic ratio, 3–6f Carolinas criteria (pulmonary embolism), 43t Carpal fractures, 259t. See also Perilunate injury, Scaphoid fracture, Triquetrum fracture, Wrist injuries. Carpal
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لطفا در این قسمت فقط نظر شخصی در مورد این عنوان را وارد نمایید و در صورتیکه مشکلی با دانلود یا استفاده از این فایل دارید در صفحه کاربری تیکت ثبت کنید.
