MRI for evaluation of potential living liver donors: a new approach including contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance cholangiography

MRI for evaluation of potential living liver donors: a new approach including contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance cholangiography

  • نوع فایل : کتاب
  • زبان : انگلیسی
  • مؤلف : S. Mangold, C. Bretschneider, M. Fenchel, A. Seeger, U. Kramer,1 B. Klumpp, S. Nadalin, A. Ko¨nigsrainer,C. D. Claussen, S. Miller
  • چاپ و سال / کشور: 2011


MRI protocol using intrabiliary contrast medium (gadolinium- EOB-DTPA) for evaluation of living liver donors. Material and methods: In this prospective study, 30 donor candidates for living-related liver transplantation (17 men; 13 women, mean age 37 ± 10.9 years) underwent MRI including MR-angiography (MRA) as well as a conventional T2-weighted MR-cholangiography (MRC) and a contrast-enhanced sequence for depiction of the biliary structures. MRC and MRA images were evaluated for quality on a four-point-scale (score of 0 indicated poor and a score of 3, excellent image quality). Anatomic variants of the arterial, venous, portal venous, and biliary structures were identified. Results: Image quality was diagnostic in all examinations except for 4 of 30 MRA data sets. Intrahepatic biliary structures, especially with regard to the intrahepatic bile ducts of 2nd and 3rd order could be identified with significantly increased image quality than in conventional T2-weighted MRC sequences (P = 0.005 and P = 0.035). A high percentage rate of anatomic variants regarding the biliary, arterial, venous, and portal venous anatomy was found. Conclusion: This protocol allows the evaluation of liver donors especially with regard to the biliary structures. However, the depiction of the arterial anatomy requires further technical developments.
Abdom Imaging (2011) DOI: 10.1007/s00261-011-9736-7
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لطفا در این قسمت فقط نظر شخصی در مورد این عنوان را وارد نمایید و در صورتیکه مشکلی با دانلود یا استفاده از این فایل دارید در صفحه کاربری تیکت ثبت کنید.
