# عنوان نوع فایل سایز فایل بازدید دانلود امتیاز قیمت (تومان)
Biological variation of high sensitive Troponin T in stable heart failure patients with ischemic or dilated cardiomyopathy
228.09 KB 61 0
Hotline update of clinical trials and registries presented at the 77th spring meeting of the German Society of Cardiology 2011
409.44 KB 60 0
Hotline update of clinical trials and registries presented at the American College of Cardiology Congress 2011
340.03 KB 61 1
Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy/dysplasia:a review and update
223.43 KB 79 0
A case report of concomitant paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria and heterozygous β-thalassemia
69.91 KB 66 0
Biomechanical analysis of alveolar bone stress around implants with different thread designs and pitches in the mandibular molar area
523.70 KB 58 0
Antibacterial effect of taurolidine (2%) on established dental plaque biofilm
363.25 KB 58 0
Alveolar bone level is not associated with vitamin D receptor gene polymorphism and bone density in mandible
188.08 KB 58 0
Assessment of variations of the mandibular canal through cone beam computed tomography
296.78 KB 62 0
Metagenomic analysis of the peri-implant and periodontal microflora in patients with clinical signs of gingivitis or mucositis
175.13 KB 56 0
Clinical success rates for polyether crown impressions when mixed dynamically and statically
319.13 KB 54 0
Effect of thermal cycling on the bond strength of self-adhesive cements to fiber posts
146.42 KB 68 0
The effects of compression on the image quality of digital panoramic radiographs
204.83 KB 78 0
Assessments of inclinations of the mandibular fossa by computed tomography in an Asian population
370.84 KB 67 0
Clinical retention force development of double crowns
190.60 KB 58 0
Non-surgical periodontal therapy with and without subgingival minocycline administration in patients with poorly controlled type II diabetes: a randomized controlled clinical trial
308.00 KB 69 0
Transmigration of impacted canines: prevalence, management and implications on tooth structure and pulp vitality of adjacent teeth
349.26 KB 71 0
Cytogenetic damage induced by mouthrinses formulations in vivo and in vitro
237.00 KB 55 0
A randomised crossover trial to compare the potential of stannous fluoride and essential oil mouth rinses to induce tooth and tongue staining
136.02 KB 59 0
Saliva-based creatine kinase MB measurement as a potential point-of-care testing for detection of myocardial infarction
897.26 KB 76 0
Tooth wear in the deciduous dentition of 5–7-year-old children: risk factors
375.84 KB 57 0
A comparative evaluation of gutta-percha filled areas in curved root canals obturated with different techniques
136.51 KB 83 0
Fracture toughness of dental restorative materials
269.26 KB 62 0
Controlled, prospective, randomized, clinical evaluation of partial ceramic crowns inserted with RelyX Unicem with or without selective enamel etching. Results after 2 years
510.16 KB 71 0
Addition of zinc methacrylate in dental polymers: MMP-2 inhibition and ultimate tensile strength evaluation
175.16 KB 69 0
Biological variation of high sensitive Troponin T in stable heart failure patients with ischemic or dilated cardiomyopathy

Biological variation of high se ...

Introduction High sensitive Troponin (hsTn) assays enable detection of minimal marker elevation in heart failure patients previously deemed Troponin ...

228.09 KB
Hotline update of clinical trials and registries presented at the 77th spring meeting of the German Society of Cardiology 2011

Hotline update of clinical tria ...

This article provides information and commentaries on trials, which were presented during the Hotline Sessions at the 77th annual spring meeting of ...

409.44 KB
Hotline update of clinical trials and registries presented at the American College of Cardiology Congress 2011

Hotline update of clinical tria ...

This article provides information and commentaries on trials which were presented at the Hotline and Clinical Trial Update Sessions during the Late ...

دانلود 1
340.03 KB
Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy/dysplasia:a review and update

Arrhythmogenic right ventricula ...

Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy/ dysplasia (ARVC/D) is a predominantly genetically determined and heritable form of cardiomyopathy t ...

223.43 KB
A case report of concomitant paroxysmal nocturnal  hemoglobinuria and heterozygous β-thalassemia

A case report of concomitant pa ...

Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH) is a rare clonal blood disorder that presents chronic intravascular hemolysis. PNH concomitant with inheri ...

69.91 KB
Biomechanical analysis of alveolar bone stress around implants with different thread designs and pitches in the mandibular molar area

Biomechanical analysis of alveo ...

Threaded implants have been shown to play an important role in increasing mechanical osseointegration. The aim of this study was to determine bone s ...

523.70 KB
Antibacterial effect of taurolidine (2%) on established dental plaque biofilm

Antibacterial effect of tauroli ...

Preliminary data have suggested that taurolidine may bear promising disinfectant properties for the therapy of bacterial infections. However, at pre ...

363.25 KB
Alveolar bone level is not associated with vitamin D receptor gene polymorphism and bone density in mandible

Alveolar bone level is not asso ...

The objective of this study was to determine, using digital panoramic radiographs, whether the bone level at the alveolar crest is related to the ma ...

188.08 KB
Assessment of variations of the mandibular canal through cone beam computed tomography

Assessment of variations of the ...

The neurovascular bundle may be vulnerable during surgical procedures involving the mandible, especially when anatomical variations are present. Inc ...

296.78 KB
Metagenomic analysis of the peri-implant and periodontal microflora in patients with clinical signs of gingivitis or mucositis

Metagenomic analysis of the per ...

The long-term success of osseointegrated oral implants is endangered by inflammation of peri-implant hard and soft tissues caused by bacterial biofi ...

175.13 KB
Clinical success rates for polyether crown impressions when mixed dynamically and statically

Clinical success rates for poly ...

The purpose of this study is to compare success rates of dual-viscosity impressions for two types of mixing techniques of the polyether elastomeric ...

319.13 KB
Effect of thermal cycling on the bond strength of self-adhesive cements to fiber posts

Effect of thermal cycling on th ...

The aim of this study was to assess the push-out bond strengths of self-adhesive resin cements to epoxy resin-based fiber posts after challenging by ...

146.42 KB
The effects of compression on the image quality of digital panoramic radiographs

The effects of compression on t ...

Size reduction through compression is an important issue that needs to be investigated for possible effects on image quality. The aim of the present ...

204.83 KB
Assessments of inclinations of the mandibular fossa by computed tomography in an Asian population

Assessments of inclinations of ...

This study aims to evaluate the inclinations of right and left sides the mandibular fossa in Asian population using computed tomography (CT) images ...

370.84 KB
Clinical retention force development of double crowns

Clinical retention force develo ...

This study deals with the development of the retentive forces of double crowns intraorally measured. Twenty-five combined fixed–removable prostheses ...

190.60 KB
Non-surgical periodontal therapy with and without subgingival minocycline administration in patients with poorly controlled type II diabetes: a randomized controlled clinical trial

Non-surgical periodontal therap ...

The aim of this study was to evaluate changes in clinical parameters and levels of inflammatory biomarkers in plasma in periodontal patients with po ...

308.00 KB
Transmigration of impacted canines: prevalence, management and implications on tooth structure and pulp vitality of adjacent teeth

Transmigration of impacted cani ...

The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of transmigrant canines in a sample of panoramic radiographs of a random Greek population, to c ...

349.26 KB
Cytogenetic damage induced by mouthrinses formulations in vivo and in vitro

Cytogenetic damage induced by m ...

The aim of the present study was to comparatively evaluate DNA damage and cellular death in cells exposed to various commercially available mouthrin ...

237.00 KB
A randomised crossover trial to compare the potential of stannous fluoride and essential oil mouth rinses to induce tooth and tongue staining

A randomised crossover trial to ...

This study compared the staining potential of two experimental amine fluoride/stannous fluoride mouth rinses (A and B), a phenolic/essential oil rin ...

136.02 KB
Saliva-based creatine kinase MB measurement as a potential point-of-care testing for detection of myocardial infarction

Saliva-based creatine kinase MB ...

Myocardial infarction (MI) is the main cause of death all over the world. Biomarkers of cardiac necrosis are of great importance in the diagnosis of ...

897.26 KB
Tooth wear in the deciduous dentition of 5–7-year-old children: risk factors

Tooth wear in the deciduous den ...

This study was conducted to investigate the distribution and severity of tooth wear in deciduous dentition and its relationship with possible risk f ...

375.84 KB
A comparative evaluation of gutta-percha filled areas in curved root canals obturated with different techniques

A comparative evaluation of gut ...

The aim of this study was to compare different obturation techniques in severely curved canals in terms of the percentage of gutta-percha filled are ...

136.51 KB
Fracture toughness of dental restorative materials

Fracture toughness of dental re ...

The ability of a restorative material to withstand fracture is of crucial importance especially in stress-bearing area. Therefore, the study aims to ...

269.26 KB
Controlled, prospective, randomized, clinical evaluation of partial ceramic crowns inserted with RelyX Unicem with or without selective enamel etching. Results after 2 years

Controlled, prospective, random ...

Among the materials used for luting indirect restorations, growing interest has been directed towards the use of self-adhesive resin cements. The ai ...

510.16 KB
Addition of zinc methacrylate in dental polymers: MMP-2 inhibition and ultimate tensile strength evaluation

Addition of zinc methacrylate i ...

This study evaluated the effect of zinc methacrylate (ZM) on the inhibition of matrix metalloproteinase 2 (MMP-2) and the ultimate tensile strength ...

175.16 KB
