# عنوان نوع فایل سایز فایل بازدید دانلود امتیاز قیمت (تومان)
HLA-A and breast cancer in West Peninsular Malaysia
196.26 KB 63 0
Experience in large-core needle biopsy in the diagnosis of 1431 breast lesions
227.85 KB 76 0
Lack of significant association between TGF-b1 -590C/T polymorphism and breast cancer risk: a meta-analysis
205.48 KB 60 0
REG gamma: a potential marker in breast cancer and effect on cell cycle and proliferation of breast cancer cell
1.00 MB 55 0
Association of sporadic breast cancer with PTEN/MMAC1/TEP1 promoter hypermethylation
202.42 KB 58 0
Adenovirus-mediated transfer of siRNA against basic fibroblast growth factor mRNA enhances the sensitivity of glioblastoma cells to chemotherapy
440.39 KB 68 0
Prolonged time to progression with fulvestrant for metastatic breast cancer
199.34 KB 56 0
Activation of JAK/STAT signal pathway predicts poor prognosis of patients with gliomas
483.83 KB 76 0
Weight gain after adjuvant chemotherapy in patients with early breast cancer in Istanbul Turkey
247.90 KB 71 0
Expression of cyclin D2, P53, Rb and ATM cell cycle genes in brain tumors
276.80 KB 69 0
Should adjuvant trastuzumab be offered in very early-stage (pT1a/bN0M0) HER2-neu-positive breast cancer? A current debate
209.55 KB 74 0
Primary malignant fibrous histiocytoma of spleen with spontaneous rupture: a case report and literature review
320.59 KB 73 0
Primary adult soft tissue sarcomas: analysis of 294 patients
192.27 KB 57 0
Suppression of Na+/H+ exchanger 1 by RNA interference or amiloride inhibits human hepatoma cell line SMMC-7721 cell invasion
256.86 KB 67 0
Nitrative and oxidative DNA damage as potential survival biomarkers for nasopharyngeal carcinoma
455.79 KB 67 0
A meta-analysis of the NAT1 and NAT2 polymorphisms and prostate cancer: a huge review
382.99 KB 61 0
Clinical and pathological characteristics of screen-detected versus clinically diagnosed prostate cancer in Nanjing, China
180.80 KB 59 0
Clinical significance of the ratio between the alpha 2 plasmin inhibitor–plasmin complex and the thrombin–antithrombin complex in advanced non-small cell lung cancer
432.15 KB 73 0
Irinotecan plus carboplatin in patients with extensive-disease small-cell lung cancer
213.14 KB 69 0
Overexpression of c-erbB-2 and loss of p16 have molecular diagnostic relevance but no prognostic value in lung cancer
483.08 KB 61 0
Validation of a clinical prognostic model in Chinese patients with metastatic and advanced pretreated non-small cell lung cancer treated with gefitinib
183.24 KB 67 0
Prognostic significance of telomerase activity and some tumor markers in non-small cell lung cancer
349.41 KB 79 0
Predictive value of ERCC1 and XPD polymorphism in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer receiving platinumbased chemotherapy: a systematic review and meta-analysis
338.31 KB 63 0
Curcumol induces apoptosis via caspases-independent mitochondrial pathway in human lung adenocarcinoma ASTC-a-1 cells
484.84 KB 72 0
High response of second-line chemotherapy with pemetrexed or gemcitabine combined with carboplatin in patients with non-small-cell lung cancer experiencing progression following 6 months after concluding platinum-based chemotherapy
179.18 KB 81 0
HLA-A and breast cancer in West Peninsular Malaysia

HLA-A and breast cancer in West ...

Breast cancer is the most common malignancy among females in Malaysia. Attempts have been made to investigate the association between breast cancer ...

196.26 KB
Experience in large-core needle biopsy in the diagnosis of 1431 breast lesions

Experience in large-core needle ...

Large-core needle biopsy (LCNB) is a common diagnostic tool used for breast lesions biopsy under freehand or ultrasound guidance. In this paper, we ...

227.85 KB
Lack of significant association between TGF-b1 -590C/T polymorphism and breast cancer risk: a meta-analysis

Lack of significant association ...

Transforming growth factor b1 (TGF-b1) is a cytokine that plays an important role in the control of cell proliferation and differentiation in breast ...

205.48 KB
REG gamma: a potential marker in breast cancer and effect on cell cycle and proliferation of breast cancer cell

REG gamma: a potential marker i ...

To investigate the expression and significance of proteasomes reactivator REG gamma (c) in breast cancer. First, we showed the expression of REGc in ...

1.00 MB
Association of sporadic breast cancer with PTEN/MMAC1/TEP1 promoter hypermethylation

Association of sporadic breast ...

PTEN/MMAC1/TEP1 encodes a tumor suppressor protein, which regulates cell cycle progression, translation, and apoptosis by blocking the activation of ...

202.42 KB
Adenovirus-mediated transfer of siRNA against basic fibroblast growth factor mRNA enhances the sensitivity of glioblastoma cells to chemotherapy

Adenovirus-mediated transfer of ...

Basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) is an important growth factor for glioma cell proliferation and invasion. BFGF is overexpressed in malignant g ...

440.39 KB
Prolonged time to progression with fulvestrant for metastatic breast cancer

Prolonged time to progression w ...

Although the incidence of breast cancer has been declining in recent years, the disease is still one of the leading causes of cancer deaths in women ...

199.34 KB
Activation of JAK/STAT signal pathway predicts poor prognosis of patients with gliomas

Activation of JAK/STAT signal p ...

JAK/STAT pathway transmits signals from the cell membrane to the nucleus in response to extracellular growth factors and cytokines. Activation of th ...

483.83 KB
Weight gain after adjuvant chemotherapy in patients with early breast cancer in Istanbul Turkey

Weight gain after adjuvant chem ...

Weight gain is a well-known and unwanted complication of adjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer. We observed that the female Turkish cancer patients ...

247.90 KB
Expression of cyclin D2, P53, Rb and ATM cell cycle genes in brain tumors

Expression of cyclin D2, P53, R ...

Cyclin D2, P53, Rb and ATM as cell cycle genes regulate cell growth and proliferation. Considering their roles, we assumed that they have different ...

276.80 KB
Should adjuvant trastuzumab be offered in very early-stage (pT1a/bN0M0) HER2-neu-positive breast cancer? A current debate

Should adjuvant trastuzumab be ...

There are many controversies regarding the treatment of very early-stage (pT1a/bN0M0) breast cancer (BC), generally considered to have a very good p ...

209.55 KB
Primary malignant fibrous histiocytoma of spleen with spontaneous rupture: a case report and literature review

Primary malignant fibrous histi ...

Malignant fibrous histiocytoma (MFH) is the most common soft tissue sarcoma that mainly occurs in the lower and upper extremities, trunk and retrope ...

320.59 KB
Primary adult soft tissue sarcomas: analysis of 294 patients

Primary adult soft tissue sarco ...

We retrospectively analyzed 294 patients with primary soft tissue sarcoma followed between 1996 and 2002 in Ankara Oncology Hospital. There were 170 ...

192.27 KB
Suppression of Na+/H+ exchanger 1 by RNA interference or amiloride inhibits human hepatoma cell line SMMC-7721 cell invasion

Suppression of Na+/H+ exchanger ...

Na?/H? exchanger 1 (NHE1), a primary regulator of intracellular pH (pHi) and extracellular pH (pHe), plays a significant role in acidifying the tumo ...

256.86 KB
Nitrative and oxidative DNA damage as potential survival biomarkers for nasopharyngeal carcinoma

Nitrative and oxidative DNA dam ...

Currently, there are no satisfactory biomarkers available to screen for nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC). Nitric oxide (NO), produced by inducible nit ...

455.79 KB
A meta-analysis of the NAT1 and NAT2 polymorphisms and prostate cancer: a huge review

A meta-analysis of the NAT1 and ...

Studies revealing conflicting results on the role of NAT1 or NAT2 phenotypes on prostate cancer risk led us to perform a meta-analysis to investigat ...

382.99 KB
Clinical and pathological characteristics of screen-detected versus clinically diagnosed prostate cancer in Nanjing, China

Clinical and pathological chara ...

Previous studies have suggested that implementation of PSA screening in China is of crucial importance. This study compared clinical and pathologica ...

180.80 KB
Clinical significance of the ratio between the alpha 2 plasmin inhibitor–plasmin complex and the thrombin–antithrombin complex in advanced non-small cell lung cancer

Clinical significance of the ra ...

The aims of this study are to: (a) confirm the prognostic significance of the procoagulant molecules D dimer, thrombin–antithrombin complex (TAT), a ...

432.15 KB
Irinotecan plus carboplatin in patients with extensive-disease small-cell lung cancer

Irinotecan plus carboplatin in ...

This study was designed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of irinotecan in combination with carboplatin in previously untreated, extensive-disease ...

213.14 KB
Overexpression of c-erbB-2 and loss of p16 have molecular diagnostic relevance but no prognostic value in lung cancer

Overexpression of c-erbB-2 and ...

This study was designed to evaluate the expression of C-erbB-2 and p16 in lung cancers using tissue microarray technology and to determine their cli ...

483.08 KB
Validation of a clinical prognostic model in Chinese patients with metastatic and advanced pretreated non-small cell lung cancer treated with gefitinib

Validation of a clinical progno ...

A clinical prognostic model derived from BR.21 trial was established by Florescu et al., which helped to identify a small group of patients with non ...

183.24 KB
Prognostic significance of telomerase activity and some tumor markers in non-small cell lung cancer

Prognostic significance of telo ...

The prognosis of non small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) has remained disappointing over the last decades even in localized stages. Numerous prognostic f ...

349.41 KB
Predictive value of ERCC1 and XPD polymorphism in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer receiving platinumbased chemotherapy: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Predictive value of ERCC1 and X ...

The published data on the predictive value of polymorphism of ERCC1 and XPD in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer receiving platinumb ...

338.31 KB
Curcumol induces apoptosis via caspases-independent mitochondrial pathway in human lung adenocarcinoma ASTC-a-1 cells

Curcumol induces apoptosis via ...

Curcumol isolated from Rhizoma Curcumae, a common traditional Chinese medicine, has been reported to possess antitumor effects, but little is known ...

484.84 KB
High response of second-line chemotherapy with pemetrexed or gemcitabine combined with carboplatin in patients with non-small-cell lung cancer experiencing progression following 6 months after concluding platinum-based chemotherapy

High response of second-line ch ...

Because of improved therapeutic results after first-line platinum-based chemotherapy in patients with stage IV non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC), s ...

179.18 KB
