# عنوان نوع فایل سایز فایل بازدید دانلود امتیاز قیمت (تومان)
Alteration of immunohistochemical biomarkers between pre- and post-chemotherapy: hormone receptors, HER2 and Ki-67
234.05 KB 56 0
Suspicious calcifications in benign breast lesions: a radio-pathologic correlation
295.16 KB 142 0
Lymphedema and breast cancer: a review of the literature
198.14 KB 70 0
Neoadjuvant endocrine therapy for postmenopausal patients with hormone receptor-positive early breast cancer: a new concept
215.21 KB 52 0
A histopathological study for evaluation of therapeutic effects of radiofrequency ablation in patients with breast cancer
1.16 MB 53 1
Current strategy for triple-negative breast cancer: appropriate combination of surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy
430.51 KB 69 0
Neoadjuvant endocrine therapy of breast cancer: which patients would benefit and what are the advantages?
188.29 KB 60 0
Histopathological effect of radiofrequency ablation therapy for primary breast cancer, with special reference to changes in cancer cells and stromal structure and a comparison with enzyme histochemistry
753.16 KB 59 0
MR imaging of triple-negative breast cancer
212.24 KB 69 0
Preoperative therapy: recent findings
158.61 KB 48 0
MR and US imaging for breast cancer patients who underwent conservation surgery after neoadjuvant chemotherapy: comparison of triple negative breast cancer and other intrinsic subtypes
592.19 KB 58 0
Radiofrequency ablation as local therapy for early breast carcinomas
649.51 KB 62 0
Primary systemic chemotherapy of breast cancer: indication and predictive factors
159.42 KB 52 0
Pilot study of radiofrequency ablation therapy without surgical excision for T1 breast cancer: evaluation with MRI and vacuum-assisted core needle biopsy and safety management
361.08 KB 58 0
Lifecourse predictors of mammographic density: the Newcastle Thousand Families cohort Study
194.14 KB 59 0
Effect of the overexpression of BRCA2 unclassified missense variants on spontaneous homologous recombination in human cells
452.19 KB 66 0
CD8+ cytotoxic T cell and FOXP3+ regulatory T cell infiltration in relation to breast cancer survival and molecular subtypes
771.67 KB 66 0
Are symptomatic guidelines for chemotherapy appropriate to ER-positive screen-detected breast cancer (SDBC)?
344.68 KB 47 0
Distinct expressions of microRNAs that directly target estrogen receptor a in human breast cancer
252.57 KB 54 0
RecurrenceOnline: an online analysis tool to determine breast cancer recurrence and hormone receptor status using microarray data
801.56 KB 48 0
A non-BRCA1/2 hereditary breast cancer sub-group defined by aCGH profiling of genetically related patients
1.60 MB 56 0
Metaplastic sarcomatoid carcinoma of the breast appears more aggressive than other triple receptor-negative breast cancers
424.45 KB 56 0
Glucocorticoid receptor and breast cancer
354.75 KB 51 0
ADAM12 induces estrogen-independence in breast cancer cells
620.51 KB 53 0
Struggling with subtypes: trying to bridge the gap between molecular breast cancer subtypes and clinical management
125.76 KB 121 0
Alteration of immunohistochemical biomarkers between pre- and post-chemotherapy: hormone receptors, HER2 and Ki-67

Alteration of immunohistochemic ...

The immunohistochemical (IHC) biomarkers of breast cancer, especially hormone receptors and HER2, are very important because the pharmacological the ...

234.05 KB
Suspicious calcifications in benign breast lesions: a radio-pathologic correlation

Suspicious calcifications in be ...

Background Breast cancer screening by mammography (MMG) has recently increased in Japan. Suspicious lesions are therefore being detected more and mo ...

295.16 KB
Lymphedema and breast cancer: a review of the literature

Lymphedema and breast cancer: a ...

Breast cancer continues to be the most common malignancy among women in the United States. Despite its high incidence, early detection and modern tr ...

198.14 KB
Neoadjuvant endocrine therapy for postmenopausal patients with hormone receptor-positive early breast cancer: a new concept

Neoadjuvant endocrine therapy f ...

Patients with resectable, nonmetastatic (stage I–IIIA) breast cancer usually receive adjuvant (postoperative) systemic therapy to control micrometas ...

215.21 KB
A histopathological study for evaluation of therapeutic effects of radiofrequency ablation in patients with breast cancer

A histopathological study for e ...

Purpose To reveal the rate of complete therapeutic effect of radiofrequency ablation (RFA) and its correlation with tumor size by the histopathologi ...

دانلود 1
1.16 MB
Current strategy for triple-negative breast cancer: appropriate combination of surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy

Current strategy for triple-neg ...

Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) often grows rapidly and has poor outcomes, with a high recurrence rate and a short interval between recurrence ...

430.51 KB
Neoadjuvant endocrine therapy of breast cancer: which patients would benefit and what are the advantages?

Neoadjuvant endocrine therapy o ...

Aromatase inhibitors (AIs) were more effective than tamoxifen as a neoadjuvant endocrine therapy (NAE) for postmenopausal women with estrogen recept ...

188.29 KB
Histopathological effect of radiofrequency ablation therapy for primary breast cancer, with special reference to changes in cancer cells and stromal structure and a comparison with enzyme histochemistry

Histopathological effect of rad ...

Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) therapy is expected to be applicable to small breast cancers, but no criteria for its histopathological effect have ye ...

753.16 KB
MR imaging of triple-negative breast cancer

MR imaging of triple-negative b ...

Little is known about the MR imaging features of triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC), but TNBC has a worse prognosis because it has no effective th ...

212.24 KB
Preoperative therapy: recent findings

Preoperative therapy: recent fi ...

Preoperative systemic therapy (PST) is the standard treatment for locally advanced breast cancer and a standard option for primary operable breast c ...

158.61 KB
MR and US imaging for breast cancer patients who underwent conservation surgery after neoadjuvant chemotherapy: comparison of triple negative breast cancer and other intrinsic subtypes

MR and US imaging for breast ca ...

Background Neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC) is commonly utilized to treat operable breast cancer. The purpose of this study was to review the findings ...

592.19 KB
Radiofrequency ablation as local therapy for early breast carcinomas

Radiofrequency ablation as loca ...

Purpose To evaluate the safety and efficacy of radiofrequency ablation (RFA) as a local therapy for early breast carcinomas, we performed a phase I/ ...

649.51 KB
Primary systemic chemotherapy of breast cancer: indication and predictive factors

Primary systemic chemotherapy o ...

Primary systemic chemotherapy has become a standard of care for operable breast cancer patients who are candidates for adjuvant chemotherapy. Induct ...

159.42 KB
Pilot study of radiofrequency ablation therapy without surgical excision for T1 breast cancer: evaluation with MRI and vacuum-assisted core needle biopsy and safety management

Pilot study of radiofrequency a ...

Background There is increasing demand for minimally invasive treatments for small breast cancer mainly because of the desire for better cosmetic res ...

361.08 KB
Lifecourse predictors of mammographic density: the Newcastle Thousand Families cohort Study

Lifecourse predictors of mammog ...

Dense mammographic patterns are a strong predictor of breast cancer risk. Factors at differing stages of life have been linked to breast cancer risk ...

194.14 KB
Effect of the overexpression of BRCA2 unclassified missense variants on spontaneous homologous recombination in human cells

Effect of the overexpression of ...

Breast Cancer 2 gene (BRCA2) mutation carriers have a 45% chance of developing breast cancer and a 11% risk of developing ovarian cancer by the age ...

452.19 KB
CD8+ cytotoxic T cell and FOXP3+ regulatory T cell infiltration in relation to breast cancer survival and molecular subtypes

CD8+ cytotoxic T cell and FOXP3 ...

The prognostic significance of tumor-associated FOXP3? regulatory T cells (Tregs) and CD8? cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) in invasive breast carcino ...

771.67 KB
Are symptomatic guidelines for chemotherapy appropriate to ER-positive screen-detected breast cancer (SDBC)?

Are symptomatic guidelines for ...

Oncologists recommend chemotherapy to postmenopausal women with adverse prognostic factors, but predictors of the benefit of chemotherapy are mainly ...

344.68 KB
Distinct expressions of microRNAs that directly target estrogen receptor a in human breast cancer

Distinct expressions of microRN ...

Estrogen receptor (ER) a is essential for estrogen-dependent growth, and its level of expression is a crucial determinant of response to endocrine t ...

252.57 KB
RecurrenceOnline: an online analysis tool to determine breast cancer recurrence and hormone receptor status using microarray data

RecurrenceOnline: an online ana ...

In the last decades, several gene expressionbased predictors of clinical behavior were developed for breast cancer. A common feature of these is the ...

801.56 KB
A non-BRCA1/2 hereditary breast cancer sub-group defined by aCGH profiling of genetically related patients

A non-BRCA1/2 hereditary breast ...

Germline mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 explain approximately 25% of all familial breast cancers. Despite intense efforts to find additional high-risk ...

1.60 MB
Metaplastic sarcomatoid carcinoma of the breast appears more aggressive than other triple receptor-negative breast cancers

Metaplastic sarcomatoid carcino ...

Metaplastic sarcomatoid carcinoma (MSC) of the breast is usually triple receptor (ER, PR, and HER2) negative and is not currently recognized as bein ...

424.45 KB
Glucocorticoid receptor and breast cancer

Glucocorticoid receptor and bre ...

Stress enhances glucocorticoid (GC) synthesis, which alters inflammation and immune responses, as well as cellular proliferation and apoptosis in a ...

354.75 KB
ADAM12 induces estrogen-independence in breast cancer cells

ADAM12 induces estrogen-indepen ...

Antiestrogen therapy has been used successfully to prolong disease-free and overall survival of ER positive breast cancer patients. However, 50% of ...

620.51 KB
Struggling with subtypes: trying to bridge the gap between molecular breast cancer subtypes and clinical management

Struggling with subtypes: tryin ...

Modern understanding of breast cancer as a disease has undisputedly left the ‘‘Halstedian’’ worldview and has entered the molecular age. Formerly, b ...

125.76 KB
