# عنوان نوع فایل سایز فایل بازدید دانلود امتیاز قیمت (تومان)
Agonists and antagonists of GnRH-I and -II reduce metastasis formation by triple-negative human breast cancer cells in vivo
555.11 KB 54 0
Combination of the proliferation marker cyclin A, histological grade, and estrogen receptor status in a new variable with high prognostic impact in breast cancer
291.70 KB 59 0
Oncological and cosmetic outcome in breast cancer patients ndergoing ‘‘moving window’’ operation
451.70 KB 59 0
TP53 genomics predict higher clinical and pathologic tumor response in operable early-stage breast cancer treated with docetaxel-capecitabine – trastuzumab
406.96 KB 60 0
Neoadjuvant chemotherapy in ER+ HER22 breast cancer: response prediction based on immunohistochemical and molecular characteristics
412.69 KB 58 0
Mutational characterization of individual breast tumors: TP53 and PI3K pathway genes are frequently and distinctively mutated in different subtypes
286.95 KB 64 0
Estrogen and insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) independently down-regulate critical repressors of breast cancer growth
656.52 KB 54 0
Insulin-like growth factor receptor (IGF-1R) in breast cancer subtypes
336.36 KB 71 0
Unmet supportive care needs: a cross-cultural comparison between Hong Kong Chinese and German Caucasian women with breast cancer
283.20 KB 65 0
Bone metastasis in a novel breast cancer mouse model containing human breast and human bone
561.20 KB 69 0
Mutation analysis of the SLX4/FANCP gene in hereditary breast cancer
349.93 KB 72 0
Inhibition of aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) activity reduces chemotherapy and radiation resistance of stem-like ALDHhiCD44+ human breast cancer cells
880.09 KB 74 0
The association between IGF1 CA repeat polymorphisms and breast cancer risk: appraisal of a recent meta-analysis
102.40 KB 67 0
Genome-wide copy number alterations in subtypes of invasive breast cancers in young white and African American women
483.95 KB 66 1
Identification and characterization of novel potentially oncogenic mutations in the human BAF57 gene in a breast cancer patient
534.23 KB 64 0
Germline mutational analysis of the C19orf62 gene in African-American women with breast cancer
174.96 KB 60 0
High estrogen receptor expression in early breast cancer: chemotherapy needed to improve RFS?
404.08 KB 56 0
Prediagnostic plasma enterolactone levels and mortality among women with breast cancer
283.07 KB 53 0
PARP-1 expression in breast cancer including BRCA1-associated, triple negative and basal-like tumors: possible implications for PARP-1 inhibitor therapy
427.61 KB 51 0
The impact of contralateral mastectomy on mortality in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers with breast cancer
133.20 KB 52 0
Replication of genome-wide discovered breast cancer risk loci in the Cypriot population
224.02 KB 56 0
A nationwide analysis of incidence and outcome of breast cancer in the country of Surinam, during 1994–2003
264.32 KB 49 0
BRIP1, PALB2, and RAD51C mutation analysis reveals their relative importance as genetic susceptibility factors for breast cancer
234.73 KB 62 0
Germline ATM mutational analysis in BRCA1/BRCA2 negative hereditary breast cancer families by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry
132.52 KB 46 0
Race and age disparities in receipt of sentinel lymph node biopsy for early-stage breast cancer
250.39 KB 63 0
Agonists and antagonists of GnRH-I and -II reduce metastasis formation by triple-negative human breast cancer cells in vivo

Agonists and antagonists of GnR ...

Metastasis to bone is a frequent problem of advanced breast cancer. Particularly breast cancers, which do not express estrogen and progesterone rece ...

555.11 KB
Combination of the proliferation marker cyclin A, histological grade, and estrogen receptor status in a new variable with high prognostic impact in breast cancer

Combination of the proliferatio ...

Global gene expression profiles, consisting mainly of genes associated with proliferation, have been shown to subdivide histological grade 2 breast ...

291.70 KB
Oncological and cosmetic outcome in breast cancer patients ndergoing ‘‘moving window’’ operation

Oncological and cosmetic outcom ...

An inappropriate skin incision on the breast reduces the cosmetic benefit of breast-conserving surgery (BCS). To improve the cosmetic outcome, we ha ...

451.70 KB
TP53 genomics predict higher clinical and pathologic tumor response in operable early-stage breast cancer treated with docetaxel-capecitabine – trastuzumab

TP53 genomics predict higher cl ...

To determine rates of pathologic complete response (pCR) and near-complete response (npCR) in operable early-stage breast cancer using neoadjuvant ...

406.96 KB
Neoadjuvant chemotherapy in ER+ HER22 breast cancer: response prediction based on immunohistochemical and molecular characteristics

Neoadjuvant chemotherapy in ER+ ...

A pathological complete remission (pCR) is rarely achieved by neoadjuvant chemotherapy in estrogen receptor-positive (ER?) HER2-negative (HER2-) tum ...

412.69 KB
Mutational characterization of individual breast tumors: TP53 and PI3K pathway genes are frequently and distinctively mutated in different subtypes

Mutational characterization of ...

Understanding how cancer genes are mutated in individual tumors is an important issue with potential clinical and therapeutic impact. This is especi ...

286.95 KB
Estrogen and insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) independently down-regulate critical repressors of breast cancer growth

Estrogen and insulin-like growt ...

Although estrogen receptor alpha (ERa) and insulin-like growth factor (IGF) signaling are important for normal mammary development and breast cancer ...

656.52 KB
Insulin-like growth factor receptor (IGF-1R) in breast cancer subtypes

Insulin-like growth factor rece ...

Insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor (IGF-1R) is expressed in normal and malignant breast tissue and has been implicated in cell survival and resis ...

336.36 KB
Unmet supportive care needs: a cross-cultural comparison between Hong Kong Chinese and German Caucasian women with breast cancer

Unmet supportive care needs: a ...

The comparison of psychosocial needs across different cultural settings can identify cultural and service impacts on psychosocial outcomes. We compa ...

283.20 KB
Bone metastasis in a novel breast cancer mouse model containing human breast and human bone

Bone metastasis in a novel brea ...

In practice, investigations for bone metastasis of breast cancer rely heavily on models in vivo. Lacking of such ideal model makes it difficult to s ...

561.20 KB
Mutation analysis of the SLX4/FANCP gene in hereditary breast cancer

Mutation analysis of the SLX4/F ...

SLX4 coordinates three structure-specific endonucleases in the DNA damage response. One subtype of Fanconi anaemia, FA-P, has recently been attribut ...

349.93 KB
Inhibition of aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) activity reduces chemotherapy and radiation resistance of stem-like ALDHhiCD44+ human breast cancer cells

Inhibition of aldehyde dehydrog ...

The majority of breast cancer deaths are because of ineffective treatment of metastatic disease. We previously identified a subpopulation of cells i ...

880.09 KB
The association between IGF1 CA repeat polymorphisms and breast cancer risk: appraisal of a recent meta-analysis

The association between IGF1 CA ...

Recently, we read with interest the article by Huang et al. [1]. They performed a meta-analysis of nine case–control studies (5,641 cases and 10,471 ...

102.40 KB
Genome-wide copy number alterations in subtypes of invasive breast cancers in young white and African American women

Genome-wide copy number alterat ...

Genomic copy number alterations (CNA) are common in breast cancer. Identifying characteristic CNAs associated with specific breast cancer subtypes i ...

دانلود 1
483.95 KB
Identification and characterization of novel potentially oncogenic mutations in the human BAF57 gene in a breast cancer patient

Identification and characteriza ...

BAF57 is a core subunit present in all mammalian SWI/SNF ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling complexes, which regulates important biological processe ...

534.23 KB
Germline mutational analysis of the C19orf62 gene in African-American women with breast cancer

Germline mutational analysis of ...

The past two decades have seen steady progress in the field of breast cancer genetics as we continually increase our understanding of how tumorigene ...

174.96 KB
High estrogen receptor expression in early breast cancer:  chemotherapy needed to improve RFS?

High estrogen receptor expressi ...

One of the most controversial questions in early breast cancer treatment is the need of chemotherapy in patients with estrogen receptor positive dis ...

404.08 KB
Prediagnostic plasma enterolactone levels and mortality among women with breast cancer

Prediagnostic plasma enterolact ...

Experimental and epidemiological studies have suggested that the phytoestrogen enterolactone is associated to biological mechanisms that may have po ...

283.07 KB
PARP-1 expression in breast cancer including BRCA1-associated, triple negative and basal-like tumors: possible implications for PARP-1 inhibitor therapy

PARP-1 expression in breast can ...

Despite ongoing trials of PARP inhibitors in the treatment of breast cancer (BC), the extent of poly (ADP-ribose)polymerase-1 (PARP-1) protein expre ...

427.61 KB
The impact of contralateral mastectomy on mortality in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers with breast cancer

The impact of contralateral mas ...

Among women with breast cancer and a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation, the lifetime risk of breast cancer may be as high as 40%. Many physicians recommend p ...

133.20 KB
Replication of genome-wide discovered breast cancer risk loci in the Cypriot population

Replication of genome-wide disc ...

Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have identified associations with robust statistical support for influencing breast cancer susceptibility. Mo ...

224.02 KB
A nationwide analysis of incidence and outcome of breast cancer in the country of Surinam, during 1994–2003

A nationwide analysis of incide ...

In this study, we describe the incidence, treatment, and outcome of breast cancer (BC) during the period 1994–2003 in the South-American country of ...

264.32 KB
BRIP1, PALB2, and RAD51C mutation analysis reveals their relative importance as genetic susceptibility factors for breast cancer

BRIP1, PALB2, and RAD51C mutati ...

Mutations in the recognized breast cancer susceptibility genes BRCA1, BRCA2, TP53, ATM, and CHEK2 account for approximately 20% of hereditary breast ...

234.73 KB
Germline ATM mutational analysis in BRCA1/BRCA2 negative hereditary breast cancer families by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry

Germline ATM mutational analysi ...

Biallelic inactivation of ATM gene causes the rare autosomal recessive disorder Ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T). Female relatives of A-T patients have a ...

132.52 KB
Race and age disparities in receipt of sentinel lymph node biopsy for early-stage breast cancer

Race and age disparities in rec ...

To evaluate differences in use of sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) by age and race in Medicare recipients with early-stage breast cancer, we examin ...

250.39 KB
